The customizable button is useful when we want to use and external application by sending data from the EMDI.

First of all we make the choice we want.

Note that you can also select the icon you want to appear from the suggested ones.

We use the following variables:

#DID Document number
#REL Related documents
#CID Customer ID
#CAA Customer database “Aa”
#DAA Document database “Aa”
#TPV Total pre vat
#TOT Total
#VAT Vat
#QUA Total quantity
#EML Customer/supplier email
#TEL Customer/supplier phone
#MOB Customer/supplier mobile
#VOU Voucher
#NAM Company
#PRO Document’ s products


Running sender

#EMA Send Email

After each variable for sender execution, we put “;” and the title of the pre-defined text used on the e-mail or SMS respectively.


By clicking the key and if you define a website,then EMDI will send the documents:

By calling a specific program 2 variables is sent:

  1. Line number of Sales
  2. Line number of Client


To what you call it is defined on the Settings->Sales/Purchases->Key general use

Document’ s products are sent in the form

The options appear on the purchase / sales document