• Post category:Settings

The Setting of EMDI can be local or inside the database

The primary file of the configurations is “settings.ini” and it can be found on the main folder.The necessary variables that are:

On this file

This file determines the operation mode of EMDI.

Logs=1 if you want to record the users data and the errors,0 if you dont..fileini=0 if you want to read the settings from the database,1 if you want to read them localy.In case that you use the database though internet,the speed is faster.Language=el is for greek,en for english.Charset=ISO8859_1 for the use of Greek and english chars. Library=we give the path of the relative database library,when we want to use it without installation.

sqlmonitor=0 so you cant send notifications and warning from the SQL code.You need that only if you want to find a solution to a problem. Path=The location of you database(main.fbd) Username= SYSDBA, database username Password = masterkey, database password