Here we write the link of the script that sends to e-shop, products modifications.
for example:

Next to the “fields” we write the field number of the custom fields that we want to include in the export. For more than 1 custom field, we split a comma.

In the “prices” field, we write the line ID of the price lists we want to include in the export. For more than 1 price list we break down with a party.

Lastly, we choose whether or not the prices will include VAT.

All changes are sent together in a text file named “web_product_data.tmp” in the following format:

If the custom fields are greater than 5, the format will be:



  • If the answer from the link is a blank page, it is assumed that the process failed.
  • Products are only sent if they has been updated in some way:
    • the product was saved
    • a document with an action has been created (“None” action does not affect any product so no information is sent)